New definition of luxury

In the hotel industry of today, all versions of luxury are available. There are hotels with vast marble lobbies decorated with hundreds of golden ornaments, with fountains that dance to music, and where bathrooms are larger than the average apartment. Increasingly popular are hotels where everything is automated and technology is taking over, where you can control your environment without ever leaving the bed – from curtains and blinds, to surround sound, lights and ordering room service. And then, there are hotels that offer luxury on a completely different level, so discrete and special, offering cozy, quiet and tranquil spaces, in which every item is an antiquity or a designer piece, recognizable as luxurious only to those who truly understand its value.

However, in spite of these opposite understandings of luxury, there are two universal measures that every hotel aspiring to true luxury must meet. They are a personalized approach to each guest, with predicting their individual needs, and absolute privacy.